What is SchoolSign.
To whom it is addressed.
SchoolSign is the version of ScuolaSemplice dedicated to all training centers and schools that want to manage enrollment in courses/classes and the consequent administrative and bureaucratic processes of contracts, payment and invoicing in an effective and automatic way.
Manage subscriptions completely online, downloading the secretarial work and providing users with a simple and convenient tool.

How it works, in general
Personal data: The system manages the personal data of students and parents, which can be personalized with various types of fields; text, wipes, checkboxes, dates, documents, and so on.
Enrollment form: you can design enrollment forms for courses and classes or other training activities, to make students or families independent in enrollment.
Registration contract: the system will automatically generate a registration contract already filled in with all the required data, ready to be signed.
Electronic signature: the student or parent will be able to sign electronically, in a convenient way and with legal value, avoiding printing and scanning.
Online Payments: Entry forms may include online payment methods, such as credit card and PayPal.
Payment plans: the installments with the relative amounts and deadlines can be generated automatically at the time of online registration.
Payment reminder: the system will be able to send automatic payment reminders, via push, SMS and email, in a totally customized way by the school.
Automatic reconciliation: to automatically close debit positions, even when payment is made by bank transfer.
Generation of fiscal documents: the system will automatically create receipts or invoices and will, again automatically, send the courtesy copy to the user and transmit the XML to the Agenzia delle Entrate Exchange System.
Report: extrapolates in one click prints and reports regarding subscriptions, payments, turnover or traces to be imported into other systems.
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Online application forms
Design online application forms
Create registration forms for classes or other school activities in a few simple steps. Customize the sections, the fields to fill in so as to the graphics. Connect the enrollment contracts, the online payment gateways and the otp electronic signature to the forms.
Student or parent: to enable the possibility of pupils being enrolled by a parent, whose personal data will be entered into the system together with that of the child.
Custom fields: to create any type of additional field to be displayed in the registration form, such as text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, dates, document upload. Each field can be positioned wherever you want and made mandatory.
Concatenated and conditional fields: to make it as easy as possible to complete the registration forms, it is possible to manage dynamic behavior of the form, concatenating the fields or displaying them according to the choices made by the user.
Graphic customization: set the sections to divide the types of fields, choose the background and button colors, insert the school logo.
Contracts: each registration form can be linked to a different contract model; the contract will then be generated automatically, already filled in with all the required data, ready to be signed and filed in the system.
Online payments: the registration forms can provide for contextual payment by credit card or PayPal. The online payment methods may be optional or made mandatory, for example for the payment of small amounts.
Payment plans: the secretariat has the option of linking one or more payment plans to the online registration form, which will be displayed in the form. The user will then be able to consult them and, if provided, choose the preferred payment plan. For example, an annual subscription cost could have a payment plan in two, three or four installments, each with predetermined due dates and amounts. Upon completion of the procedure, the school will receive an enrollment order with all the information already pre-set.
OTP electronic signature: the enrollment contract automatically generated by the system can be signed electronically (via OTP signature with legal value) to avoid printing, scanning the document and filing it quickly in the system, as an attachment to the enrollment order received.

Contracts and electronic signature
OTP Electronic Signature
to allow users to sign with legal value in complete comfort, avoiding printing paper and digitizing the school contracts.

Legal value: the reinforced electronic signature uses the otp code (one time password) for the recognition of the signatory and represents the best solution in terms of security and ease of use for users.
Immediate use: the user will be able to receive the document directly on their smartphone and will be able to sign in a few seconds by drawing their signature with their finger or by scrolling the button horizontally (swipe).
Document Digitization: Any document such as a membership agreement, engagement letter or certificate can be electronically signed, sent and stored electronically, without the need to print or scan.
Contracts generation
to automatically generate enrollment contracts for courses, classes or other activities, fully customizable and self-fullfilled, ready to be signed electronically, then archived.

The Institution’s contracts can be rapidly digitalized, using current contract models (as well as other documents). Through a mechanism based on the model variables, the system will be able to auto-fill the document with all the required information, such as the personal data of the student and legal guardian, information relating to the service purchased, payment plans and so on.
Obviously, a model variable is dedicated to the electronic signature, which can therefore be affixed by the person even in several points of the document.
Online payments and automatic payment plans
Online payments
Allow users to make payments online, by credit card or PayPal.
Students and families will be able to make the payment directly from the enrollment form (for example for a deposit or a membership/association fee) or from their account (both from the web portal and on the smartphone app) for payments after enrollment.
Automated Payment Plans
Each online registration can be associated with a predefined payment plan, which will identify the number of installments envisaged, the amounts and expiry dates.
All this information will be automatically entered in the user’s registration order and will be visible by the user himself from his account, also in the App.
Automatic payment reminders
Set up notifications for users to remind them when an installment is due. You can choose how many notifications to send, when to send them, the content of the communication and the sending channel: push to the App, e-mail and SMS.

Virtual IBAN and automatic payments reconciliation
Through the partnership with Banca Sella and Fabrick, with SchoolSign you can automatically reconcile all payments received by bank transfer.
Virtual IBAN assignment
The system will assign a unique virtual IBAN to each student or family. All generated virtual IBANs will be linked to the school’s primary IBAN.
The unique virtual IBAN will thus be assigned for the entire duration of the user at the school and will be automatically indicated in the enrollment contracts, in the payment reminders, in the App and in any useful circumstance.
Automatic payments reconciliation
Every time a user makes a payment using the assigned virtual IBAN, the system will recognize the transaction and will automatically close the debit position.
It will also be possible to customize the automatic notification of payment to the user, for example to confirm the closing of the installment and to thank the payment received.
Invoices and Receipts
Automate tax documents sending
With the payment received, the system will be able to automatically generate the relative invoice or receipt.
The tax document issued can thus be sent to the recipient as an attachment to a configurable email and in any case will always be available in the administrative documents section of the student’s or parent’s App.
Electronic invoice
In the event that the school is subject to electronic invoicing, i.e. the transmission of invoices to the interchange system of the Revenue Agency, the relevant integrated electronic invoicing module can be activated, which allows for the sending and receiving of electronic invoices from the system .

Extractions, Reports and statistics

Through the system you can consult and read the data at any time, both through graphs and by downloading the relative excel. For example, you will be able to check and compare the subscriptions, the turnover generated, collected and to be collected over the period of time.

The system can generate personalized layouts that can be downloaded and reloaded on external systems, such as accounting management software.
APP for students and families

The App for iOS and Android mobile devices allows students and families to consult enrollments and payment status at any time, to receive automatic notifications or impromptu communications, to upload or download documents.
Push Notifications: to send automated notifications about the expiration of fees or service communications to a filterable audience (for example, by course or by class).
Online payments: if enabled, students and parents will be able to pay tuition fees directly from the App, by credit card or PayPal.
Documents: to upload personal documents, such as an identity card or a medical certificate, or to download documents sent by the school, such as receipts, invoices, circulars, etc.
Online shop: for the purchase and payment of any goods and services or other activities made available by the school.
Contatta il nostro staff
To receive all the technical and commercial information and book an in-depth meeting
Frequent questions
Is it possible to test the system?
By indicating the references of your institution via the form above, we will be able to send you the references to see a DEMO system and try an enrollment as if you were a student. Furthermore, you can schedule a meeting with our staff to explore every aspect of interest and dispel any doubts.
How much does the system cost?
The cost of the system varies according to some parameters, such as an indicative range of student users, the type of institution and the active modules. We therefore invite you to contact us so that we can formulate an offer dedicated to your school.
Speaking more generally, there is a one-off initial cost which covers the start-up phase (configuration and training) delivered through online meetings, and a service fee (monthly or yearly) which includes the service itself, technical assistance, daily data backup, evolutionary updates.
Do I have to buy all the features?
It is not necessary to purchase all available modules; for example, it could be decided not to activate the integrated electronic invoicing module, in the event that the school is not subject to or already uses a system for the transmission of invoices to the ES. Just as you could choose not to activate the otp electronic signature, even if it is one of the main aspects of the whole system!
What is the delivery method of the system?
The system is provided in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, consequently the customer’s installation is accessible from any device connected to the internet through their personal credentials. How does the configuration and implementation of the system take place? Once the service has been purchased, each customer will have online training meetings with our staff to quickly achieve full and confident use of the system. Each training can be booked autonomously by the customer through a specific calendar. In each session various topics can be addressed, such as the general configuration of the system, the customization of the contract models, support for data import, training for use in general.
How is support provided?
Technical assistance is an integral part of the service and is therefore provided for the entire duration of the same. Depending on the priority and type of assistance request, there are different channels to use, such as the internal wiki of the system, the real-time support chat, the ticket portal and telephone support. For more information on the assistance service you can consult this page.
Is it possible to test the system?
By indicating the references of your institution via the form above, we will be able to send you the references to see a DEMO system and try an enrollment as if you were a student. Furthermore, you can schedule a meeting with our staff to explore every aspect of interest and dispel any doubts.
How much does the system cost?
The cost of the system varies according to some parameters, such as an indicative range of student users, the type of institution and the active modules. We therefore invite you to contact us so that we can formulate an offer dedicated to your school.
Speaking more generally, there is a one-off initial cost which covers the start-up phase (configuration and training) delivered through online meetings, and a service fee (monthly or yearly) which includes the service itself, technical assistance, daily data backup, evolutionary updates.
Do I have to buy all the features?
It is not necessary to purchase all available modules; for example, it could be decided not to activate the integrated electronic invoicing module, in the event that the school is not subject to or already uses a system for the transmission of invoices to the ES. Just as you could choose not to activate the otp electronic signature, even if it is one of the main aspects of the whole system!
What is the delivery method of the system?
The system is provided in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, consequently the customer’s installation is accessible from any device connected to the internet through their personal credentials. How does the configuration and implementation of the system take place? Once the service has been purchased, each customer will have online training meetings with our staff to quickly achieve full and confident use of the system. Each training can be booked autonomously by the customer through a specific calendar. In each session various topics can be addressed, such as the general configuration of the system, the customization of the contract models, support for data import, training for use in general.
How is support provided?
Technical assistance is an integral part of the service and is therefore provided for the entire duration of the same. Depending on the priority and type of assistance request, there are different channels to use, such as the internal wiki of the system, the real-time support chat, the ticket portal and telephone support. For more information on the assistance service you can consult this page.