iOS and Android mobile Apps

Dedicated to training centers’ users as a tool for information, communication and interaction.

App per insegnanti

APP for teachers

It allows access to the course calendar, with the aim to manage attendance and didactic reporting. If enabled, the teacher can also manage classes in a more autonomous way.

App per studenti

APP for students

The simple and instantaneous tool for course scheduling, with a view on class informations, lesson schedules, notifications, completing questionnaires,lessons booking, online paying.

App per tutori

APP for tutors

The App is also available for tutors / administrative personnel, for example in the case of minors enrolling or students belonging to Institutions. The tutor  will see the information of the connected students.

app registrazione presenze


In the event that teachers are delegated to manage attendance, they can operate easily via the App with their smartphone.

Attendance management

Teachers will always be in control and will be invited to register the attendance of their classes. By accessing the dedicated area, each teacher will be able to quickly indicate attendance and (unjustified) absences of students and, in case of presence, any delays or early exits.
For convenience, the App will show the list of all present students by default, so that the teacher only has to enter any absences.
Furthermore, the management of delays or early departures will be useful in calculating the percentage rate of attendance, wich can be mandatory, in some training contexts, to access certificates or continue their study plan.

Classes reporting

In addition to attendance, the teacher can/must enter educational information.
These can be configured either as free text fields or as drop-down fields pre-configured by the didactic coordinator.
Through the text fields, teachers will be able to write private notes  – visible only to the teaching secretariat – as well as comments, to do activities or class schedule and syllabus, which can also be consulted by students, any connected tutors and other teachers connected to the same course. Other fields, such as drop-down lists with preconfigured values, can be managed directly by the school’s teaching department. Thus, for example, a list of topics covered during the lesson, a general evaluation of the lesson, or any other custom field aimed at collecting useful educational information can be displayed.
All the information entered by the teachers can then be used for the automatic generation of educational reports, internal or to be shared with customers, such as certificates and attestations or documents regarding the progress and educational progression of the courses or of the individual student.

notifica spostamento lezione


Let users receive notifications of everything from course schedules to payment reminders.

And if you need to make a communication to a specific target audience, you can quickly filter users and send a push notification in seconds.

app promemoria pagamenti scuola
APP utenti scuola


In base a certe tipologie di corso e contesti, è possibile abilitare docenti, studenti e tutori ad una maggiore autonomia, per aumentare ancora di più l’esperienza utente, ottimizzare le attività e ampliare ancora le possibilità e l’offerta formativa della scuola.

Prenotazione delle lezioni

Se abilitato, il sistema permette ai tuoi utenti di acquistare pacchetti di ore e prenotare direttamente tramite APP le proprie lezioni.
Studenti e tutori potranno rapidamente verificare le disponibilità di docenti e orari e prenotare in base alle proprie preferenze. La segreteria o il docente stesso verranno automaticamente notificati e dovranno confermare (o rifiutare) la prenotazione.

Autonomia dei docenti

Ogni singolo docente, per ogni singolo corso, può essere abilitato ad una gestione più autonoma delle lezioni.
In questo caso, il docente potrà aggiornare le proprie disponibilità e indisponibilità settimanali, indicare assenze anche di più giorni; potrà inoltre programmare le singole lezioni dei propri corsi flessibili o indicarne l’orario fisso nel caso dei corsi regolari. Potrà infine spostare o annullare le lezioni, sempre supportato della gestione dei conflitti e sovrapposizioni del sistema.


The App is also the preferred tool for asking your users for feedback.

You will thus be able to create many anonymous surveys and questionnaires and associate them with the various courses. You can indicate when the system should deliver the survey to the participants, for example after a lesson, in the middle of the course or three days after the end of the course.

Students will receive a notification and will be able to complete the survey very quickly and conveniently. And you can check and download the aggregated results.

In the same way, it will be possible to design quizzes and learning texts which can always be provided to students automatically or in a teacher controlled manner.

app quiz sondaggi scuola

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