Contact and potential customers management


Through ScuolaSemplice Contacts you can automatically collect students data and potential customers, so that the information is directly converted into leads or students in the system registry.

With ScuolaSemplice Contacts you can generate customizable contact forms to be incorporated into website pages or other media to receive contact, student and potential customer data.

The master data of students and potential customers (leads) will thus be created automatically by the system, with all the information that the user has entered in the contact form.

In this way you will be able to automate the data entry process and optimize the management of potential customers, who can now be managed in the CRM and Mareting section of the system.

How it works

From ScuolaSemplice you can create an unlimited number of contact forms, based on the data they have to collect, therefore for the purpose of use.
The forms can then be easily incorporated, for example, into a website page, such as a landing page or the contact page of the site.
Users who fill in the contact form will automatically be entered in the ScuolaSemplice registry, as students or as leads, based on how the form itself is set up.

Wordpress plugin


If you want to publish contact forms on a WordPress site, a dedicated plugin is available, called ScuolaSemplice Contacts, which can be downloaded from the official WordPress repository or it can be installed directly from the WordPress site’s new plugin installation page.

The plugin will allow you to design the forms by drawing the fields from the ScuolaSemplice management system, modeling it in a simple and intuitive way via drag and drop.
Once the contact form is completed, the shortcode will be created which can be inserted into any post, page or widget on the WordPress site.


Contact form for lead generation

Contact formScuolaSemplice Contacts allows you to create a series of contact forms that can be inserted in multiple web pages, for example on the school website. In this way, all the data of the contacts who fill out the forms will be automatically transferred to the management system and LEADS-type master data will be created, or potential customers, who can then be contacted again and managed at a commercial level.

For example, a form could be published on the site’s contact page and another, perhaps with different fields, on a landing page intended for advertising campaigns, for example on Facebook or Google.

Subsequently, all the contacts created can be managed with the functions present in the CRM and Marketing section of the system, activating tasks, entering further comments and sending communications.



Autonomous data entry

Totem iscrizione

Another interesting way of using ScuolaSemplice Contacts concerns the possibility that users can enter their data independently.

In fact, a tablet and a support such as a totem are sufficient to ensure that users can enter their data, which will be entered directly in the system registry, ready to be used by the school secretary, for example to complete the enrollment in the course.

In this way, the secretariat can avoid wasting time for the mere insertion of personal data, which can be very useful especially in some moments of peak enrollments.

Custom fields

All contact forms can be extensively customized.

In fact, in addition to default fields (name, surname, email, etc.) it is possible to insert any additional field that you want to display in the contact form.
For example, I could insert a drop-down field to let the user choose the course of interest.

You can then add additional fields and text areas, checkboxes and dropdowns.

In this way, it is therefore possible immediately to further profile the contacts, which will be very useful later, for example when it is necessary to filter the public to send a commercial communication or export a list of users who have certain characteristics.

Notifications to the secretariat

Every time a user fills in a contact form, the system will send an e-mail to the school secretariat, with all the details entered, including the personalized fields present in the contact form.

CRM prospect / potential customers management

All the contacts that are entered in the lead registry (potential customers), can subsequently be managed through a series of functions present in the CRM section of ScuolaSemplice:

  • they can be assigned to colleagues for the commercial management of the contact
  • they can be marked with a status (the statuses can be customized by the school itself), for example “hot”, “cold”, “closing” etc., so that they can be filtered easily
  • you can create activities (tasks) and reminders both for yourself and for colleagues, to assign and remember to perform an action (also customizable), such as calling, sending a quote, making an appointment.
  • each comment can be inserted in the lead card, so a comment history will be created with the name of the author of the comment and the date. In this way it will always be possible to re-read the “story” of the potential customer.
  • it will be possible to send completely customizable commercial offers in terms of layout and content, both for potential private customers and for companies. Offers can be sent by email directly from the system and revised when you want.
  • each offer can then be converted into a purchase order or an enrollment confirmation, which will then be followed by the conversion of the lead into a student or client company, after which courses and workgroups can be created, up to invoicing.

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