Electronic invoice in a click


With the electronic invoicing module, you can manage active and passive invoices in a totally integrated and automated way.

The integrated electronic invoicing module covers the electronic invoicing process end-to-end, by integrating with Team System’s TS Digital service.

In this way, ScuolaSemplice will take care of both outgoing and incoming invoices, centralizing and speeding up the entire administrative/fiscal process, from invoice enrollment to the invoice sending up to the customer.

How it works

With ScuolaSemplice’s electronic invoicing module, invoices can be sent directly from the management system, thus avoiding to download the xml file and reload it elsewhere for sending.

Similarly, all passive invoices will be delivered directly to the appropriate section of the system, while a notification about the new incoming invoice will be sent to the school administration.

Invoice checking process

After sending the invoice to the interchange system, the system will mark it as sent, awaiting confirmation of receipt.
Therefore, the invoice will either be approved or will be marked as non-compliant. In this last case, the system will indicate the reason for the non-compliance and it will be possible to proceed quickly with the invoice correction and re-submission.

Automatic and manual invoice receiving

Invoices received from suppliers will be automatically uploaded to the system’s issue master.
If a supplier is not subject to electronic invoicing, it will still be possible to enter invoices manually, if necessary also by uploading the scan of the document itself.

Each invoice in the system can then be managed for payments in the system schedule.

Archive and export

All invoices, sent and received, will remain archived in the system, ready to be found using convenient filters.
Furthermore, it will be possible to export all the invoices for a given period in a compressed file, for example to deliver them to the accountant consultant.

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